COMMUNICATION AS A STRATEGIC TOOL towards to integrate business to employees: a brazilian case study
Strategic Communication, Strategic Intent, Performance Management, Reward and Recognition SystemResumo
This paper presents research on the system of strategic communication as an instrument of Strategic Intent. This is a quantitative research, applied to a stratified sample of 230 subjects who represent the characteristics of a population of 591 employees in two plants located in São Paulo and Curitiba, a multinational company, the sector Parts for White Goods. Data collection was based on questionnaires were self-directed and semi-structured interviews. We discussed the process of deployment strategies into goals and targets of the Strategic Control and Performance Recognition Systems applied as a reward for attaining the targets. The results show that the media used for strategic communications were rated between good to excellent (74.4%), 73.8% of employees say they have knowledge of established goals. On the clarity of communication of Strategic Intent, 19 variables evaluated, four were reported discrepancies in perception between leaders and subordinates. In one, it was observed that 74% of employees perceive the environment as a proposition open to improvement, which is diametrically opposed to the perception of leaders.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sylvio Fernando Veiga, Isabel Cristina dos Santos

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