Project of an electro pneumatic circuit with regulation of the pressure for the execution proceeding of circular punctures in metallic plates with variation of thicknesses


  • Vicente José Fernandes Costa Ferreira Universidade de Taubaté
  • José Rui Camargo Universidade de Taubaté


This work presents the proposal of execution of an applied electro pneumatic circuit to a group of benches, with the purpose to monitor the pressure on a pneumatic actuator for a process of in agreement punching varies the thicknesses of metallic plates in the feeding of the circuit. The thickness control basically is made through an inductive sensor that associated to a mechanical device set in motion by spring and a connecting rod, capable to dislocate it at the moment of ticket of each plate and characterizing with each movement a thickness. From the sensor the entrance signal is generated to the PLC, that also is used in the circuit, so that then it can liberate the valve solenoid the dosage of pressure in the actuator pneumatic .The diagram of sequential function called GRAFCET is used for better development. Only, if that for the purpose of simulation the execution of the circular punctures does not occur in the practical one, in the reality, the project considers the control of the pressure in the point of the reader of gauge, in the case the sensor, its behavior and the interpretation of signal in the proper actuator representative tire of the punch machine.





