Portal of journals of the University of Taubaté (UNITAU). Access the magazines through the list below:


  • Journal of Biosciences

    Journal of Biosciences (Revista Biociências) is a biannual publication of the Basic Institute of Biosciences of the University of Taubaté, fully committed to open access, and therefore, we provide free access to articles as soon as the editorial process is completed. Our mission is to expand the dissemination of original articles and reviews from the different areas of Biosciences, which are so important for the formation of opinions, fostering debate and activities in the different fields of biological research. The journal publishes complete scientific articles, scientific notes and reviews in different areas of Biosciences, such as natural and health sciences, including the development of sports and of Biosciences education procedures and protocols.

  • Brazilian Journal of Management and Regional Development (G&DR)

    The Journal of Management and Regional Development (Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Desenvolvimento Regional - G&DR), exclusively in electronic version, is a quarterly publication of the Graduate program in Management and Regional Development of University of Taubaté (SP). It was created with three basic objectives: to give visibility to the extensive scientific production that swells in the area, in Brazilian universities and, for lack of space and a specific journal, does not circulate and therefore is not enough discussed, criticized and referenced; stimulate academic debate on the regional science issue in its different dimensions, valuing above all the interdisciplinary dialogues; and contribute decisively to the criticism and suggestions of intervention models, public or private, with sustainable approach. The Journal of Management and Regional Development (Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Desenvolvimento Regional - G&DR) is a pluralistic oriented journal and publishes papers that present original contributions, theoretical or empirical, related to regional development. Being linked to a multidisciplinary graduate program enhances the interdisciplinary dialogue, thereby advancing other areas of contributions (health, engineering, architecture, psychology, history, environmental science) that have interface with the central project of the journal. It is available for domestic and foreign researchers and has a varied editorial board, distributed by various institutions and regions of the country as well as international consultants.

  • Applied Linguistics Pathways

    The Journal Applied Linguistics Pathways (Caminhos em Linguistica Aplicada) is an online, biannual publication of the Master's Program in Applied Linguistics at the University of Taubaté - UNITAU. Its objective is the dissemination of scientific works (articles and reviews), produced by masters and doctors on topics in the area, such as: Language and Discourse Genres, Language Learning and Teaching, Teacher Training, Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis, Information and Communication Technologies in Teaching, Media and Multimodal Languages, Discourse and Identity, among others that are also related to language learning and teaching. With this, it intends to act both in the strengthening of studies and in the verticalization of discussions in the area.

  • Journal of Exact Sciences

    The Revista de Ciências Exatas (RCE) or Journal of Exact Sciences in an exclusively electronic version, is a biannual publication of the stricto and lato sensu PostGraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Taubaté (SP). It was created by means of meeting the demand for scientific production from Brazilian and international universities, aiming to encourage academic debate, dissemination, discussion, criticism and reference on the evolution and dynamics of Exact Sciences in its different dimensions within the scope of public activities. or private, focusing on Social, Environmental and Economic aspects for sustainable development.
    RCE is a pluralist journal and publishes works that present original contributions, theoretical or empirical, related to the field of Exact Sciences to a postgraduate program in Engineering, values ​​the development of interdisciplinary dialogue, opening spaces for contributions from other areas (health, engineering, architecture, psychology, history, environmental sciences) that interface with the journal's central project.
    It is available for national and international collaborators and has a varied editorial board, distributed by several institutions and regions of Brazil and several other countries.

  • Journal of Human Sciences (RCH)

    The Journal of Human Sciences (Revista Ciências Humanas) (e-ISSN 2179-1120) is an online journal of interdisciplinary nature that, as of 2021, adopted the system of continuous publication of articles, to disseminate original productions, unpublished texts from field or bibliographic research, essays, experience reports and interviews, published in continuous flow or thematic dossiers. It was created in 2008 and is managed by the Postgraduate Programs in Human Development: Training, Social Policies and Practices and Professional Education at the University of Taubaté-SP.

  • Latin American Journal of Business Management

    The Latin American Journal of Business Management has pluralistic orientation and publishes papers that present original, theoretical or empirical contributions related Organizational and Latin American Managers. Linked to an interdisciplinary foundation postgraduate program values the dialogues and makes room for productions from other areas that have interface with the central project of the magazine.

  • Desmedida

    Desmedida é uma revista eletrônica de estudos literários, vinculada ao Curso de Especialização em Literatura da Universidade de Taubaté. São duas as edições anuais, nos meses de abril e outubro. O título da revista, Desmedida, faz remissão, entre outros sentidos, à hybris grega, que, no teatro clássico, significava a desmesura, a saída da medida de um homem da medida de todos os outros homens, uma elevação do humano, portanto, que era condição sine qua non para o trágico, uma vez que, com essa transgressão, o homem pretendia uma igualação com os deuses, invenção artística que Foucault caracteriza como o registro do momento de nascimento da categoria da vontade humana. Tem-se a pretensão, com essa revista, da abertura de um fórum de discussão das correntes atuais dos Estudos Literários, bem como ela pode ser o canal de veiculação da produção de pesquisadores da área de Literatura. Parcerias externas para publicação serão buscadas, no sentido do estabelecimento de um diálogo profícuo entre outras instituições e pesquisadores.
  • Revista Periodontia

    A Revista Periodontia é o periódico oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de Periodontologia fundada em 1970. O periódico que circula desde 1992, época na qual se destinava apenas a oferecer uma base sólida para a atuação profissional do associado, gradativamente passou também a divulgar e estimular a geração de novos conhecimentos.
  • Revista Ciências Jurídicas e Cidadania

    A Revista “Ciências Jurídicas e Cidadania” é uma publicação on-line, semestral, do Curso de Ciências Jurídicas da Universidade de Taubaté - UNITAU.  Seu objetivo é a divulgação de trabalhos científicos (artigos e resenhas), produzidos por graduandos, graduados, pós-graduados, mestres e doutores sobre temas da área de Direito e Cidadania, entre outros que também se relacionam com a aprendizagem e o ensino das Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais. Com isso, pretende atuar tanto no fortalecimento dos estudos, quanto na verticalização das discussões na área. Lembramos a todos que nosso periódico aceita a submissão de trabalhos em fluxo contínuo.
  • Clinics and Research in Dentistry-UNITAU

    Clinics and Research in Dentistry- UNITAU (ClipeOdonto) is a bi-annual electronic publication from the University of Taubaté whose aim is to disclose original articles; from basic and applied research, case reports, systematic reviews and meta-analysis which aggregate value and contribute to the development of Dentistry.
  • Revista de Extensão da Universidade de Taubaté

    A Revista de Extensão da Universidade de Taubaté visa trazer a público algumas das vivências extensionistas significativas da instituição, o que faz parte de uma premissa maior de prestar contas e externar à comunidade acadêmica e o entorno o que se processa a partir do contato entre a universidade e a comunidade.

  • Revista Universitária de Educação Física e Saúde

    A RUEFS pretende atuar tanto no fortalecimento da pesquisa e da produção cientifica, quanto na verticalização das discussões dentro das quatro linhas vigentes no departamento: dimensões biodinâmicas, dimensões socioantropológicas, dimensões pedagógicas e dimensões comportamentais do movimento humano.
  • UNEM - Workshop Cooperação Universidade Empresa

    VI Workshop Cooperação Universidade Empresa - UNEM


    O Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade de Taubaté, por meio do Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Engenharia Mecânica promove o VI Workshop Cooperação Universidade Empresa (UNEM).

    Nesta sexta edição, o UNEM traz como temas centrais:

    • Automação Industrial
    • Energia
    • Materiais e Processos
    • Produção
    • Projeto Mecânico