
  • Caio César Marcantonio
  • Maitê dos Santos Freire
  • Raiane Bastos de Mello
  • Isabel Cristina dos Santos


High-performance teams, Technological Environment, Creativity and Autonomy


This article analyses the usage of the decision-making autonomy and creativity in the daily work of Information Technology teams. This work has a qualitative approach underlined by an exploratory research. The data collection was based on a questionnaire specially developed and applied in three Information Technology firms, located in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, hosted by the Google Drive. Social networks was used to call for participation. The obtained data was treated quantitatively. Results show that the respondents have a high expectation in getting greater participation in decision-making and being allowed to use their creativity. However, they recognize that the workplace does not offers such opportunity due to the low maturity and low capacity for making decision and judgement as reasons to this restraints. It seems to be a contradiction, to say the least, between the requirements of the hiring processes and the allowance of using of them at work, considering the high specialization profile of those professionals.


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