Artigo inédito. Foi revisado por pares e aprovado para apresentação oral no Congresso CIMATECH da Fatec de São José dos Campos em 12/dezembro/2024.


  • Igor Almeida Martins da Silva FATEC SJC
  • Guaraci Lima de Morais FATEC SJC



Purchasing, Fatec, Agile methodology, Startup, Scrum


This research analyzes the purchasing process in a startup, identifying the main challenges and opportunities to propose a new flow that integrates purchasing activities with the development of new products. The lack of a formalized process generates delays, overloads and overburdens managers at all strategic levels, which impacts the progress of projects. The objective is to propose the implementation of agile methodologies, with the use of Notion software and digital Kanban to organize the purchasing and monitoring stages and thus enable greater visibility and control of the purchasing department's operations. The proposed approach offers greater operational efficiency, reducing the purchasing cycle time by up to weeks, increasing transparency, flow and improving communication between teams. It is expected that this structure will meet all the requirements, promote more effective purchasing management and contribute to the success of projects, strengthening the company's competitiveness and self-sustainability.

Author Biographies

Igor Almeida Martins da Silva, FATEC SJC

Discente do curso superior de Tecnologia em Gestão da Produção Industrial.

Guaraci Lima de Morais, FATEC SJC

Docente do curso superior de Tecnologia em Gestão da Produção Industrial.


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Artigos Cimatech 2024