The Information Technology and the Productivity Paradox


  • Fabio França Santos UNITAU
  • Marco Antonio Chamon UNITAU


The Revolution of the Information Technology (IT) appeared in the decade of 1970 being that in the decade of 1980, many

scholars, mainly in the United States, they had evidenced a phenomenon called Productivity Paradox. One is about not the

evidence of productivity profits when it has investment in IT. From now on many scholars search the Productivity Paradox

trying to confirm it or not. Amongst the explanations for the existence of the Productivity Paradox it is the imperfection in the

management of IT. In such a way this study it is a bibliographical revision on the Productivity Paradox with focus in the

explanation of that the Paradox of the Productivity exists on account of the imperfection in the management of IT. To analyze

the paradox of the productivity, this study first he detached the importance and evolution of the IT as well as the importance

of the productivity. The following stage verified the paradox in the national and international scope. Finally, the study it

analyzed the main explanations of the paradox comparing the same ones with the works analyzed in this article. It was

concluded by means of the analyzed bibliography that the explanation of the imperfections in the management of the IT is

the explanation more pointed with respect to the phenomenon.

Key-words: Productivity Paradox; Information Technology; IT; Investment; Administration.




