The application of sterile aggregate of calcareous exploration in low cost pavement
The establishment of a policy relatively to environment administration leaded the Extractive Dolomia Society localized in Taubaté city of Sao Paulo State - Brazil as a miner and benefiter of calcareous, to search partnership with local city hall and others institutions, aiming to establish a destiny for the sterile material resulted from mine, considering that in the beginning of it, this material was deposited as waste material near the mine cavity and after transferred to allow its enlargement. So, the establishment of a system of environment administration aims to obtain a considerable reduction in the volume of deposited waste material being that it could produce incomes to the enterprise. This work shows some technical considerations about the use of this sterile material (calcareous poor in carbonate and biotite/gnaiss) in unpaved roads, as an economical solution and with a good support capacity, besides it allows to use great quantity of waste material without damages to the environment. In the evaluation of the support capacity of this solution, the equipment DCP-ITA was used to determine the in situ CBR and to compare with the values established by classical literature. The acquired results show the advantage of this solution as a pavement alternative to enlargement of unpaved roads with low traffic volume.Descargas