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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text is unpublished and has not been submitted to another journal or event; or, already published in Congress or Symposium Proceedings – in this case, the publication details must be described in the metadata section.
  • The text does not present (in the attached file) any element of authorship identification, in order to enable blind evaluation.
  • At least one of the authors has a doctor's degree.
  • Author and co-author information has been entered in the metadata section, in the following format: Higher title, professional link, city, state, country, e-mail. Example: PhD in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering (ITA), professor at the University of Taubaté, Taubaté - SP, Brazil. Email: name@xxx.yy

Author Guidelines


Texts may be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish. They must be typed in Word for Windows, open office, in A4 format (21 cm X 29.7 cm), with upper and left margins of 3 cm and right and bottom margins of 2 cm and 1.5 (one and a half) spacing. The font must be Times New Roman, size 12, except for citations with more than three lines, footnotes, pagination and subtitles of illustrations and tables that must be typed in a smaller and uniform size, according to NBR 14724 of ABNT .


At least one of the authors of the submitted paper must have a PhD.

Extension of the texts

Paper must have a minimum length of 10 and a maximum of 20 pages (with references), and reviews, a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5, with 1.5 spacing (one and a half).


The title of the text must be centered, in capital letters, bold, size 14, at the top of the first page. When the article is written in Portuguese, it must have an English version just below the title in Portuguese.

Abstract and keywords

The abstract (article, essay, scientific communication), preceded by this subtitle and a colon in bold, must contain the objectives, methodology, results and conclusion in a single paragraph, justified, without indentation , in single spacing, with a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 250 words, according to NBR 6028 of ABNT, in the same font as the article, with the initial letter in capitals, two single spaces below the title.

The keywords, from 3 (three) to 5 (five), preceded by this subtitle and a colon, must have the initial capital letters, and be separated by a period and finalized by a period, in the same font as the text, in justified alignment, single spacing, no indentation, two single spaces below the abstract.

P.S. Abstract and Keywords: When the article is written in Portuguese, it must also have the “Abstract and Keywords” in English and must be preceded by these subtitles and a colon, in the same formatting of the abstract and keywords. It should be placed after the abstract and keywords.

Text structure

The text should start two single spaces below the keywords, in 1.5 spacing, with justified paragraphs and with indentation of 1.25 cm in the first line. The subtitles of the sections must be aligned to the left, in bold, without indentation, with the initial letter of the first word in capital letters, without numbering, size 12.


Paper written in Portuguese.

Citations will follow the author-date system according to ABNT NBR 10520. The author will be cited in parentheses, exclusively by last name, separated by a comma from the date of publication: (SILVA, 1985). When the surnames of authors coincide, add the initials of their first names: (SILVA, C., 1985) and (SILVA, O., 1995). If even so the coincidence persists, the first names are written in full: (SILVA, Carlos, 1985) and (SILVA, Cláudio, 1965). If the author's name is cited in the text, only the date is indicated in parentheses: "Pereira (1990) states that...". When it is necessary to specify page(s), this(s) must follow the date, a comma and the indication p.: (BAKTHIN, 1992, p. 315). In the case of a range of pages, separate the initial from the final with a hyphen: (MAINGUENEAU, 1995, p. 12-15).

Citations of works by the same author, published in the same year, must be discriminated by lowercase letters after the date, without a space: (SOUZA, 1972a, 1972b). When the work has two or three authors, all will have their surnames indicated, separated by a semicolon (SOUZA; SILVA; CORREA, 1945); when there are more than three authors, the first surname will be indicated followed by et al.: (GONÇALVES et al., 1980).

If it is a direct quotation, of up to three lines, it must be inserted in a common paragraph of the text, between double quotation marks. Single quotation marks will be used to indicate quotation within the quotation. In turn, direct quotations with more than three lines must be highlighted with a 4 cm indent from the left margin and without quotation marks, in the same font as the text, size 11. If there are interventions in direct quotations, these must be indicated in the same following form: a) deletion: [...]; b) interpolation, addition or comment: []; c) emphasis or emphasis: underlined or bold or italicized with the expression "emphasis added".

Paper written in English or Spanish

Citations should follow the APA international standard.

Spelling of scientific terms

For units of measure, the International System of Units must be used. Words in other languages ​​should be avoided in texts in Portuguese, preferably using their translation. If this is not possible, foreign terms must be written in italics. Any abbreviation or acronym must be spelled out the first time it appears in the text.


Notes must be placed in the footer and must follow the structure of the word. They should be used for comments, clarifications, explanations, indications, observations or additions to the text made by the author that cannot be included in the text. Not to be used for references.


Illustrations (figures, drawings, diagrams, flowcharts, photographs, graphs, maps, organizational charts, plans, charts, portraits and others) may be accepted, but must be marked in the text, with identification at the top, preceded by the designative word, followed by its number in order of occurrence in the text, in Arabic numerals, of the respective title. At the bottom, the source, caption, notes and other necessary information should be indicated.


Tables (information treated statistically) must be numbered with Arabic numbers, with identification at the top, preceded by the word Table, on the left of the page. If necessary, the source should be placed below the table.


Acknowledgments for assistance received, preceded by the subtitle "Acknowledgments", and a colon, in bold, in a single paragraph, of a maximum of three lines, justified, without indentation, in single spacing, two lines after the end of the text.


Paper written in Portuguese

References, preceded by this subtitle, in bold, must be aligned to the left, justified, without indentation, in alphabetical order of surnames and, in the case of the same author, in the chronological sequence of publication of the cited works, two single spaces after the text or acknowledgments, according to ABNT NBR 6023. When the work has up to six authors, all must be cited. More than six authors, indicate the first six, followed by et al.

Paper written in English or Spanish References must follow the APA international standard

Ethical considerations

If the paper present research reports involving human beings, the studies must comply with Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council and have been approved by the ethics committee of the institution of origin.

Submission fees

The journal does not charge authors fees related to article submission (submission charges), nor fees related to article processing, in case of acceptance for publication.

Version of texts in a second language

The objective of Revista de Ciências Exatas is to encourage authors to submit their paper in the original language and in English, if it is not the original language. The objective is to give more visibility to the publications for the international scientific community. Authors wishing to also publish in English must provide the version of the approved text in that language.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.