Toyota System, Just in time, KanbanAbstract
The competitive market has demanded excessive dedication and performance from companies in the management of their resources and for that it is necessary to maintain a constant search for methods to improve the manufacturing process and service provision. The objective of the study is to understand the Toyota Production System (TPS) model, which is currently being reproduced and adapted by companies that operate in the most diverse sectors, as well as to list the benefits of the Kanban methodology within the scope of the Just in Time philosophy. For this, a qualitative approach was adopted, through a bibliographical review, presenting the Toyota production methodology, the JIT (Just in Time), a reference copied all over the world for being effective in eliminating waste and efficiency gains in the production environment. lean manufacturing, combined with the Kanban System and its basic application methodology. The Kanban method, applied as part of the Just in Time philosophy in a company, offers the strictest control over production from receipt of materials to their output as a finished product or even for more optimized performance. During the manufacturing stages, waste is avoided in all areas, eliminating costs through the organization and control of their stocks and this can bring decisive changes for companies, for employees and for the current market.
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