
  • Chrystian Souza Faculdade de Tecnologia de Cruzeiro
  • Lucas Mallmann Faculdade de Tecnologia de Cruzeiro
  • Luis Fernando de Almeida Faculdade de Tecnologia de Cruzeiro e UNITAU
  • Francisco José Grandinetti UNESP/Guará
  • Alvaro Manoel Sousa Soares UNESP/Guará


Homogeneous team, Genetic Algorithm, Optimization, Individual Skills


Working in a team is one of the main activities that mankind has been doing for a long time. In recent years the literature has given a special care to the topic of team formation, much is discussed about this, but there is still a great difficulty in forming a homogeneous team, to optimize productivity. Based on this context, a genetic algorithm (GA) capable of dividing and optimizing individuals into teams was developed based on their individual abilities. The tests performed in different configurations were very promising, in some cases there was an optimization of approximately 95% in relation to the first generation.


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