The T.C.C. Industrial Automation: Thoughts about Modular Structure and Curricular Schedule


  • Wilton Ney Amaral Pereira Depto. Enga. Elétrica, Universidade de Taubaté
  • Marcelo Pinheiro Werneck Faculdade Comunitária de Taubaté
  • Giuliani Paulineli Garbi Triunfus Sol. Educacionais Integradas
  • Carlos Rivera Ferreira Triunfus Sol. Educacionais Integradas


The paper brings out some thoughts about the Industrial Automation Technology College Course (TCC) destinations,

academic features and curricular organization. Concerning the MEC directives to the TCC, searching to recognize the

formation and the actuation differences of the technologist in relation to the engineer graduated. In the TCC didacticpedagogical

organization itself, preferentially modular and delimited by qualifications and skills, makes this worry clear with

the labor market immediate needs, something really unlike of the most traditional and academic engineering course

structures. Some proposition about Industrial Automation TCC curricular organization is presented.

Keywords: automation, industry, technologist, control.




