Environment and legal perception: a study of case of the existing relations between the operators of tourism nautical transport and the state park of Anchieta Island, Ubatuba – SP, Brazil


  • Aurélio Daniel Antonieto Universidade de Taubaté
  • Maria de Jesus Robim Instituto Florestal do Estado de São Paulo


The environment and the culture are raw material of tourism, and can support the economy, generate jobs and redistribute gains by attracting visitors flows. In this century XXI – everybody for searchs the sustainability with social participation, organization, awareness and professionalization, aiming at to the economic efficiency, environment balance and social justice. In this idea, the objective of this work is to contribute with the agreement of the existing relations between the tourist operator and the insulars parks, making possible the effective participation of these operators of tourism for the planning and implementation of the preservation politics and conservation of these areas. Thus, this research used as case study the State Park of the Anchieta Island, located in the city of Ubatuba - coastal north of the State of São Paulo -Brazil, in order to evaluate the perspectives and the perception of the operators of the tourism companies who realize activities in the park and its surrounding, face to the pertinent legislation. The results obtained by documents surveys and semi-structured interviews together to the target public, had allowed to diagnosis the environment and legal perception in the relations these actors and the State Park.




