



output, demand, brainstorming and PDCA


The auto parts industry has great representation in the national market, spreading the idea of a profitable industry, which can even after the discontinuity of the item, provide replacement products at lower prices than original auto parts and accessories. In this context, the work proposes a change in the productive management of replacement components, increasing the output of the line and reducing the rate of late orders. In this way, the general objective of the research is to increase the monthly output of replacement components by 45% to meet dammed up demands, reducing overdue sales orders by 80% within three months. This aims to demonstrate commitment to customer satisfaction. Based on the identification of the current output and comparing it to the actual sales demand of the product. This article is based on an exploratory and applied research, starting with bibliographical research. Showing at the end of this work the fulfillment of the general objective of the research, increasing the monthly output of replacement components by 50% to meet dammed demands and thus extinguishing delays in sales orders by 100% in three months after the work was carried out.

Author Biographies

Alexandre de Sousa, UNITAU

Hello how are you?


I'm Alexandre Sousa, Production Engineer, Quality and Industrial Technologist, Specialist in Business Management Administration and Master in Mechanical Engineering, of Production Management ​​concentration, with application of quantitative characters, optimization of products and processes in production. Experience of 20 years in factory ​​operations in small, medium and large national and international companies, also a lecturer and professor.

People manager and servant leadership, following the path of the company's goals. Nine years experience as a people management, achieving promising results with scheduling planning and production control techniques, Quality Management and people management, always looking for process improvement and standardization, with the support of appropriate tools

Arcione Ferreira Viagi, UNITAU

Possui pós-doutorado em Gestão da Produção (Programa de pesquisa pós-doutoral no exterior - CAPES) realizado na Universidade de Padova, Itália (2015/2016), doutorado em Engenharia Aeronáutica e Mecânica pelo Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (2011), mestrado em Comunicação e Mercado pela Faculdade Cásper Líbero (2000) e graduação em Engenharia Mecânica pela Universidade de Taubaté (1985). Cursou também pós-graduação Lato Sensu em Administração da Produção e Operações Industriais na FGV (1989) e Administração Financeira na UNITAU / INPG (1986). É professor Assistente III na Universidade de Taubaté onde exerceu também as funções administrativas no Conselho Universitário (Consuni - 2002 a 2006), Conselho de Departamento (Condep - 1997 a 1998), Assessor da Vice-Reitoria (2002 a 2006) e Assessor das Pró-Reitorias de Finanças e de Graduação (2010 a 2014). É professor convidado nos cursos de pós-graduação da Faculdade Trevisan, UFF, INPG, UNIVAP, FAD, IEL e IPG. Ministra aulas de Administração da Produção, Gestão da Cadeia de Suprimentos, Logística Industrial, Manufatura Enxuta, Marketing Industrial, Desenvolvimento de Produtos e Mercados, Planejamento Estratégico, Planejamento Mercadológico, Engenharia Econômica e Tomada de Decisão sob Incerteza


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