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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and new, and IS NOT being evaluated for a publication in another journal
  • The files for submission are in Microsoft Word format (DOC or DOCX).
  • The text of work must be according to the journal Guideline for Authors (in simple spacing, with lines and pages numbered, font 12 Time New Roman, using italic instead of underlined (except in URL addresses), Figures and Tables inserted in the text (right after its summon - Figures at a minimum resolution of 300 DPI). Read more instructions in the Guideline for Authors. The works must not exceed 30 pages in simple spacing. ATTENTION: works out of the Guideline for Authors will be returned.
  • The text follows the style Standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guideline for Authors, in section ABOUT- Submissions.
  • The identification of the work authorship was removed from the article and the option Word Properties, ensuring, this way, the criteria of secrecy of this journal, in case of submitted to the evaluation by pairs (e.g.: articles), according to instructions available in the Asserting the Blind Evaluation by Pairs.

Author Guidelines


Solicitamos que as normas sejam cuidadosamente examinadas e os autores chequem CADA item abaixo antes de submeterem o manuscrito.

1 Preparação do texto

The manuscript to be submitted must be original, intended solely to the Revista Biociências, in the form of complete scientific article, Scientific Note or Review, the latter by invitation only or when proven relevance.

1.1 Tramitação

The manuscripts should be submitted by PLATAFORMA SEER. The author registering the work assumes the responsibility for all information, and that the other author are in agreement with this work and that the article has not been published before. The concepts and assumptions appearing in the article are of fully responsibility of the authors. However, The Editing Committee has the right of asking for modifications in the original text. A copy of the manuscript must be send to

2 Estrutura do trabalho

The articles must be organized in this sequence:

2.1 Artigo científico e Nota científica

Article and Scientific Note: Structure of English manuscripts: manuscripts in ENGLISH should follow the following sequence: TITLE in English, TITLE OF THE MANUSCRIPT in Portuguese; ABSTRACT (followed by the three keywords that do not replicate title's or abstract words); Abstract in Portuguese (followed by keywords in Portuguese); INTRODUCTION; OBJECTIVES; MATERIAL AND METHODS; RESULTS; DISCUSSION; CONCLUSIONS; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (if it is the case, but only after the manuscript has been accepted for publication); and REFERENCES. Before the item references write when appropriate, mention its approval by the Ethics and Biosecurity Committee of the Institution. The results and discussion can be separated or as a unique section.

2.2 Artigo de revisão bibliográfica

Review Article: title, abstract, introduction, development, final considerations, acknowledgements, references.

2.3 Manuscrito

The paper must be edited in Microsoft Word, single spaced, lines numbered continuously and without the authors' names, letter type Times New Roman, size 12, no tabs, one line space between paragraphs, size A4, with 2.0 cm of margins and maximum of 30 pages for articles and 10 for short communications.

2.4 Siglas e abreviaturas

The acronyms and abbreviations, when they first appear in the paper, must be within brackets, preceded by their full names.

2.5 Figuras e Tabelas

Figures should be in black and white, no shading and borders; not include titles, captions or gridlines within the graphics. The letters in the figure should be scaled consistently with its artwork; avoid variations in font size within the graphic; preferably use the same size font on the labels of the axes. Photographs may be color or black and white since good quality and resolution (300 DPI minimum). The dimensions (height and width) cannot be larger than 17 cm, always with portrait page orientation, letter type of Times New Roman, size 12

The figures and tables must self-explanatory and located in the text right after they are mentioned. Their identification must be expressed in two languages, being the English language one of them. The title in English must be in Times New Roman 10. The tables must be produced in Word text editor or Excel spreadsheets and cannot be put in the text as being figures to be easily edited if necessary. All statistics must be presented with numbers after coma and means with standard deviation or standard error of mean

2.6 Palavras em latim

Latin words should be in italics, as well as scientific names generic and infrageneric. Use complete scientific names (genus, species and author) at the first mention, abbreviating the generic name subsequently, unless for other genres cause confusion.

2.7 Citações bibliográficas

Citations should follow the examples are based on the ABNT NBR 10520, using the system author-date Forman (1995) or (Forman, 1995), for two authors: Viana & Pinheiro (2003) ou (Viana & Pinheiro, 2003), three or more authors, use the first and after et al: Lopes et al (2008) or (Lopes et al., 2008). All citations mentioned in the text must be listed in the References list, according to the following examples:


SILVA, V. A.; ANDRADE, L. H. C. Botânica amazônica e as espécies místicas. Biotemas, Florianópolis, v. 15, n. 1, p. 45-57, 2002.


ROCHA, A. O governo brasileiro e a política do século XXI. 3. ed. São Paulo, Editora da USP. 400 p. 2004.

GRIZE, J. B. Psicologia genética e lógica. In: BANKS-LEITE, L. (Org.). Percursos piagetianos. São Paulo: Cortez, 1997. p. 63-76.


FANTUCCI, I. Desempenho em tarefas de tempo de reação. 130 f. Tese (Doutorado em Psicologia) - Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo. 2001.

Internet sources:

FACULDADE DE AGRONOMIA DA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL. Manual de referências bibliográficas. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 de ago. 2017.

3 Informações importantes

In its final version, all authors' names must be inserted immediately below the paper title and identified with its superscript sequence number. The authors calling must be indicated below their names, preceded by the identification number, email and address.

The manuscripts subjected to Revista Biociências are submitted to the area committee which will decide the need of sending to ad hoc reviewers. The trial version is returned to the authors for corrections and, later, is finally evaluated by the Editing Committee. The accepted articles are published preferably in the order of their approval. Offprint will not be provided. The articles are available, in PDF format, at the following electronic address: (

4 Dúvidas

For further information and doubts consult the Editing Committee through the e-mail: Also, manuals are available on the use of SEER system at:]

Final Instructions

Every issue published by Revista Biociências features an image representative of an article published in that issue. Authors are invited to highlight by email if they would like to have a Figure to be considered as a scientifically interesting and visually appealing cover for the journal. Images should be high-resolution (300 DPI minimum) and authors grant Revista Biociências the license to publish. If an author does not hold the copyright for a submitted image, he is responsible for obtaining the necessary permission to use it. Before initiating your submission, read carefully these above instructions and check the final version of the manuscript. Upon receiving the work for adjustments, DO NOT POST THE WORK AS A NEW WORK but rather navigate to REVIEW (Versão do Autor, Procurar and Transferir) and send the corrected file. If send as a new paper, it will be duplicated in the system.


Para anexar NOVAS versões do manuscrito (versões corrigidas), basta seguir os passos abaixo:

1 – Entrar na área com seu login e senha e clicar em “Autor”.

2 - Clicar em “Em fila para avaliação”.

3 - Na área de Avaliação e Decisão Editorial, basta anexar a nova versão do manuscrito e clicar em “Transferir”.

Pedimos que NÃO sejam incluídos documentos como SUPLEMENTOS no sistema ou como uma NOVA SUBMISSÃO. No caso de manuscritos já em avaliação, basta anexar a nova versão.

4 – Sempre enviar as novas versões do manuscrito com cópia para o email

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.