Dossiê: Educação e os Desafios Ambientais no século XXI Ecobarreira no rio Capivari, em Campos do Jordão, serra da Mantiqueira paulista: uma prática de educação ambiental Ecobarrier in the Capivari River, in Campos do Jordão, Mantiqueira Paulista Mountains: a practice of environmental education
Environmental Education is a powerful strategy for the development of solutions to environmental problems, stimulating interaction between society and the environment, developing actions to mitigate anthropogenic environmental damage, for environmental preservation and conservation. The goal of this study is to report the development and application of an environmental education practice for a high school class, a school unit in the city of Campos do Jordão, through the use of an ecobarrier. The ecobarrier was made by the students and installed in the Capivari River, and later the removal of the waste captured by the ecobarrier, with "passaguá" network. The implementation of the ecobarrier has become an ongoing activity, involving developments with the integration of other disciplines (Geography, History), adding different approaches, contributing to the establishment of an interdisciplinary model of learning in school. The development of activities such as the construction, installation and operation of the ecobarrier as a school action directed to Environmental Education has the potential to combine practice with theory and allow students to experience conservation and preservation strategies, effects can culminate in awareness of environmental issues.