Impacts of sugarcane deterioration and its implications in the manufacturing in Brazil


  • Fabio Cesar Silva Embrapa
  • Tania Cristina Martins Usina Graneli - açúcar e alcool S/A

Palabras clave:

dextran, TRS (Theoretical Recoverable Sugar), total recoverable sugar in the industry, microbiological deterioration, sugar cane juice, SPRI (The rapid dextran screening test) and turbidity dextran.


Food safety is a current challenge, as it aims to offer food free of agents that can endanger the health of consumers, for so it should be traceable in manufacturing and in the food chain, quality control of sugary products. The bacterium Leuconostoc mesenteroides produces dextran, and has been responsible for considerable losses, affecting the quality of the final product, this research was prepared on industrial scale to quantify the reduction of theatrically recovered sugars Theoretical Recoverable Sugar (TRS) in the process with different dextran concentrations in the raw material, which affects the different phases of production of sugar and ethanol. Because of the complexity of the factors affecting the formation of dextran, it must be analyzed from the point of view of the entire food chain and  enable its rapid traceability from production of raw materials to the production of sugar, through industrialization to final distribution to the consumer. The main objective of this paper was to show the need of care indicators and microbiological control in analytical laboratory, which is reduce losses during the process until the final product. It was adapted and tested a rapid method of analysts called S.P.R.I (rapid test for determination of dextran), a test for turbidity in broth from sugarcane. The processing of the deteriorated sugarcane caused losses that reach 37% in industrial output. The losses of TRS are divided between the farmer and mill owner, since the sugarcane entering the mill is assessed and paid by TRS, and the contamination reduces production, making the process slower than the normal.

Biografía del autor/a

Fabio Cesar Silva, Embrapa

 Engenharia Agronômica pela Universidade de São Paulo (1987), graduação em Engenharia Florestal pela ESALQ-USP (1987), mestrado em Solos e Nutriçäo de Plantas pela Universidade de São Paulo (1991) e doutorado em Solos e Nutriçäo de Plantas pela Universidade de São Paulo (1995). Pós-doutoramento em Modelagem de sistema de Produção Vegetal (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, 2008 e USP, 2007) Atualmente é e pesquisador doutor da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária desde 1993 e professor pleno 2 (equivalente: MS-05) da Faculdade de Tecnologia do Estado de São Paulo em Tecnologia de produção de biocombustiveis. Tem experiência na área de Agronomia, com ênfase em Agroenergia, Fertilidade do Solo e Adubação atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: cana-de-açúcar, qualidade de matéria prima e processamento de açúcar, metais pesados, modelagem matemática fisiológica de cultura e contaminaçäo ambiental. Atuando na área de inovação e empreendedorismo atuando na Agencia Paula Souza, como agente local de inovação e coordenação do Polo Regional de Campinas.

  1. ProfessorDoctor, EmbrapaInformáticaAgropecuária e FatecPiracicaba, Av. AndréTosello, 209 - BarãoGeraldo, C. Postal 6041- 13083-886 - Campinas, São Paulo States (Brazil). E-mail:


Tania Cristina Martins, Usina Graneli - açúcar e alcool S/A

  1. TecnólogodeProduçãoSucroalcooleira, Supervisora laboratórios da IndústriadeAguardenteeÁlcoolJoséGranelli & FilhosLTDA, FazendaSãoBenedito - Paraisolândia - CaixaPostal 8, 13.515-000 - CHARQUEADA - São Paulo States (Brazil).. Email:





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